
Construction & Engineering

Innovation is in full swing in the Dutch Construction & Engineering sector. There are challenges in terms of raw materials, shortages of qualified personnel and pressure on laws and regulations. In addition, buildings are becoming increasingly 'smart'. This creates a need for sustainable raw materials that still last a long time (think wood construction and composite), better hardware (HVAC) and software for climate systems and software for planning, design and management, for example. All these changes and innovations are in turn creating a very active merger and acquisition market in which large market parties and, increasingly, financial parties are choosing to buy certain knowledge through acquisition.

At Florijnz we have extensive experience in the Construction & Engineering sector. Because of this we know the market well and can advise you in an optimal way in a purchase, sale or valuation process. See also services. Are you thinking about a possible sale of your company? Or do you want to expand by means of an acquisition? Then we are here to guide you through this complex process. We use a personal approach and together we strive for the optimal result.

Interested in a (no obligation) consultation with one of our advisors? Then get in touch with us!


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