De Breed & Partners: strategic partner after accompaniment of a Management Buy Out
The story of De Breed & Partners
Breed & Partners advises technology companies in the Netherlands on how to obtain funding to get innovative projects off the ground, accelerate them and/or bring them to market. For example, they are very strong in applying for technology subsidies, which they have been focusing on for over 35 years. De Breed & Partners also knows how to find the tax and financial instruments available in the Netherlands to help entrepreneurs achieve their goals. They also help companies through growth phases and to put themselves on the map. Florijnz was asked to assist De Breed & Partners in a Management Buy Out, but after the transaction was completed was asked to become a strategic partner of De Breed & Partners.
Managing Directors Joost Emke and Arno van Klinken are well aware of the strength of their company:"Our strength lies in the timely recognition of when to pass on the baton and when to hire in specialists to get the job done". In recent years, De Breed & Partners has therefore linked up with several specialist partners with whom it works successfully. One of these is Florijnz. "Mergers and acquisitions are a speciality in their own right, so we ask Florijnz to take care of them for us" says Arno van Klinken.
The most important thing is the click with the entrepreneur
"When you introduce a party to your own client it has to feel right. You must be able to trust that the customer is really well served and the relationship is not damaged. That is an important reason why we prefer Florijnz over other parties". The good click with Hans Minnaar and their successful cooperation in the past made the choice for Florijnz easy for Joost and Arno: "I think it is important that you speak the language of the entrepreneur. You can be extremely knowledgeable about a financial product and know the market extremely well, but if you do not have a click with the entrepreneur you will not move an inch". Arno also sees Florijnz as a party that attaches great value to the relationship with the entrepreneur and is convinced that this earns Florijnz bonus points when they bring their services to the attention of potential customers. According to him this is also something that is appreciated when you are already in business with each other:"I experienced this myself with our own Management Buy Out in 2013.
Arno describes Florijnz as an expert partner with a lot of insight into entrepreneurship. "Florijnz sees what drives an entrepreneur. It is not all just based on numbers and facts, but also on feeling for the man or woman who leads the company".
"The expectation I had and still have of Florijnz is extremely realistic. Florijnz fully meets this expectation. This has to do with the fact that they have an eye for the company combined with their great expertise. De Breed & Partners has only had good experiences with Florijnz. Arno would certainly recommend Florijnz to others. "It is a growing company that is able to change gear quickly and is no stranger to the market, especially that of shareholdings and takeovers".