

The merger and acquisition market in the child care industry is in flux. This dynamism is mainly caused by a lack of staff capacity, high demand for care spaces, and increasing regulatory pressure and uncertainties regarding political developments.

At Florijnz we have extensive experience in the childcare sector. Because of this we know the market well and can advise you in an optimal way in a purchase, sale or valuation process. See also services.

Are you thinking about a possible sale of your company? Or do you want to expand through an acquisition? Then we are here to guide you through this exciting and sometimes emotional process. We have a personal approach so that together we can strive for the optimal result.

Wondering how Mark Siep (former owner of Plukkebol) experienced working with Florijnz? Then watch the video below.

Interested in a (no obligation) consultation with one of our advisors? Then get in touch with us!


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