Stef Kolen

After completing his Master's degree in Finance at Tilburg University in 2019, Stef came in contact with Florijnz. Before starting at Florijnz, Stef held various positions at banks, alternative lenders and merger and acquisition firms. In addition, Stef is a registered business valuer (RV).

Business valuation specialist

I first came into contact with the M&A profession during various projects during my studies. This is where my interest in corporate finance started. This interest grew further during my student years when I had the opportunity to sample the profession through an internship at an M&A boutique and later as a working student at the corporate finance branch of an accounting firm.

I find it particularly special to be able to support clients in one of the most important phases of their lives: the sale or purchase of their company. Realising the best deal for the client is a great challenge every day.

"Realizing the best deal for the customer together is a daunting challenge every day."

Stef Kolen - Advisor @ Florijnz

Recent projects from Stef

Sale of GTP

Engineering Sales

Purchase assistance for DIA Group

Purchase Engineering Business services

Purchase Assistance Active Care

Purchase Care

Connect with us

We would like to get in touch with you to discuss how we can best be of service to you.

Stef KolenCorporate Finance Advisor