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Why choose a Corporate Finance advisor?

Advisor in a complicated process

Closing deals is an everyday occurrence for many business owners, but buying or selling a business is something most rarely do. That's why it's wise not to take on this complicated process alone and hire an advisor. But why should you choose an advisor during a merger or acquisition process?

Specialist knowledge, experience and skills

One of the most obvious reasons is that an advisor simply has the right specialist knowledge, experience and skills. For example, he or she knows exactly how your business will best stand out in the market or what is important when buying another business. In addition, an advisor has a lot of experience in negotiating the best possible deal.

We look with you

Network buy/sell candidates

An advisor has an extensive network. Through experience and relationships built in previous deals, an advisor can make a good assessment about what kind of business suits you. This allows him or her to quickly and effectively get in touch with a potential buyer or seller.

Taking your worries off your hands

Buying or selling a business is an intensive and emotional process. An advisor will act as a confidant when tensions and emotions run high. He or she will guide you well before, during and after the process. While the advisor is busy with the purchase or sale of your company, you can fully focus on the company itself.

But which advisor is best suited to you as an entrepreneur?

Choosing the right advisor involves a lot. Why should you choose one advisor and not another? There are a number of conditions on which your choice will depend. Does the advisor have the right knowledge and experience? Does he or she have an extensive network that fits in well with my company? Does the office charge an appropriate rate?

For Florijnz one condition is paramount: the personal click. This will ensure throughout the process that consultant and entrepreneur feel each other out. So we as your advisor can really turn your passion into reality.

Florijnz has the premise that the costs incurred by you at all times be recovered.

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Marieke Klaassen van BeurdenPartner